



BE101 INTRODUCTION TO BIOENGINNERING (2-0)2                           ECTS:3

This course covers topics related to bioengineering and its sub-branches, areas of study, current status and future, and introducing research conducted by faculty in the department.


CHEM121 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I (3-0)3                                                   ECTS:5

Atoms and atomic theory, mole concept, nomenclature, chemical reactions, aqueous solutions, gases and properties, thermochemistry, electrons in atoms.


CHEM141 GENERAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY I (0-2)1                   ECTS:2

Measurement and density, Stoichiometry of a reaction, titration of acids and bases, oxidation-reduction reaction, gas analysis based on molar volume, thermochemistry, precipitation reaction, gravimetric and volumetric analysis.



 This is a course that aims to develop skills to analyze paragraphs and essays, reading skills and written and spoken communication skills.


MATH141 BASIC CALCULUS I (3-2)4                                                        ECTS:5

Functions, Limits and continuity, Derivatives, Extreme values, the Mean Value Theorem and its applications, Graphing. Integration, Fundamental theorem of Calculus, L’Hopital’s Rule, Techniques of integration, Area between two curves.


MBG121 BIOLOGY I (3-0)3                                                                         ECTS:5

 Introduce students to the complex biological molecules and cellular structures and make them familiar with the underlying concepts of biological processes such as metabolism, inheritance, and cell communication at both molecular and cellular levels.


PHYS121 GENERAL PHYSICS I (3-2)4                                                       ECTS:7

 Scientific notation, length, time, mass, unit systems, accuracy and significance, dimensional analysis. Motion along a straight line. Motion in two and three dimensions. Force and Motion. Newton ’s Laws and their applications. Kinetic Energy, work, power, potential energy and energy conservation. Systems of particles. Linear momentum. Collisions and the center of mass. Rotation and Rotational kinetic energy, angular momentum and its conservation, Torque, work and energy in angular momentum. Equilibrium and elasticity. Gravitation. Newton ’s law of gravitation, gravitational potential energy, planets and satellites.


BE102 INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING (2-2)3                               ECTS:5

This course is designed as an introductory course in computational techniques for solving arithmetical applications from bioengineering students.


CHEM122 GENERAL CHEMISTRY II (3-0)3                                             ECTS:6

Chemical bonding, Liquids Solids and Intermolecular forces, Solutions and their physical properties, Chemical kinetics, Chemical equilibrium.



Determination of water hardness, soap synthesis, steam distillation, Molecular weight determination, kinetic study of reaction between ferric and iodide ions, Chemical equilibrium, weak acids weak bases and their salts, An investigation of voltaic cells



This is a course which aims to equip students with the skills to analyze essays and articles, to write an organized essay and article, to make presentations, to take notes while listening and reading skills, which will help them in their academic studies.


MATH142 BASIC CALCULUS II (3-2)4                                                      ECTS:7

Integration Techniques, Improper Integrals; Tests for Convergence, Sequences and Infinite series; Tests for Convergence, Polar Coordinates, Multivariable Functions and Their Derivatives, Double integral, Double Integral in Polar Coordinates.


PHYS122 GENERAL PHYSICS II (3-2)4                                                     ECTS:7

The course covers electricity, including charge, electrostatics, Gauss law, electric field, electric potential, simple circuits, and electric currents and magnetic fields including magnetic forces, induction, electromagnetic radiation, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law and the origins of electromagnetic waves.


GCC 101 Career Planning and Development (2-0)NC                            ECTS:2

IYTE Career, Leadership and Entrepreneurship Center (CLEC) provides the activities that support students’ skills enhancement. It also follows the course’s activities such as seminars, invitation of speakers, webinars, arrangements with guest lecturers and students’ communities. The supportive activities of IYTE Career, Leadership and Entrepreneurship Center (CLEC) designed to present core methods and tools used in professional job applications. Also the activities are designed in a way to use these methods and tools in most effective way in career planning and development. By collaboration with IYTE Alumni Office and IYTE Alumni Association, graduates share their experiences and introduce different businesses to the students. The course is constructed over 3 modules. Module 1: Internal stakeholders; IYTE Career, Leadership and Entrepreneurship Center (CLEC), IYTE Alumni Office, course lecturer participations. Career center presents available supplementary activities for IYTE students’ career planning and development. Module 2: Guest speakers; IYTE graduates, IYTE student communities, IYTE lecturers present career development opportunities present in IYTE campus. Module 3: Guest speakers and panels with external stakeholders; professionals from the public and private sector, academia, NGOs; sharing methods, tools and experiences about career planning and development.



This course will introduce the basics of material and energy conservation principles in engineering and their applications to bioengineering problems using examples of biochemical reactions, bioprocesses and biomedical systems.


BE202 NUMERIC METHODS IN ENGINEERING I (3-0)3                        ECTS:5

 Introduction to numerical methods, finding roots of equations, numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solution of first ODE, Euler, modified Euler and Runge-Kutta methods, solution of the second order differential equations, interpolation, curve fitting with least square method, solution of elliptic PDE.


BE203 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (3-0)3                                                              ECTS:5

Molecular biology deals with nucleic acids and proteins and examines how these molecules regulate proper growth, division and development in cells. In this course, students will learn the molecular mechanisms of DNA replication, repair, transcription, protein synthesis, and gene regulation in different tissues. The techniques that revealed these mechanisms and the experiments that are used to distinguish these mechanisms will also be in the course. Protein structure and function, and protein interactions with nucleic acids will also be discussed.


BE204 THERMODYNAMICS (3-0)3                                                                   ECTS:5

 This course will convey the foundations of thermodynamics at introductory level along with the physicochemical basis at molecular level.



The course aims to inform and educate Bioengineering students about the fundamental electrical and electronic circuit theory concepts and their usages. The knowledge gained during the course will be helpful to the students at their undergraduate and postgraduate lives.


BE206 FLUID MECHANICS (3-0)3                                                             ECTS:5

 Definition of fluid and their types based on deformation rate. Concept of shear stress. Fluid statics. Stability of floating objects. Lagrangian and Eulerian approaches. Conservation of mass and momentum in integral sense.


BE208 BIOCHEMISTRY (3-0)3                                                                    ECTS:5

Metabolism and bioenergetics: basic principles, carbohydrates, carbohydrate metabolism, lipids, lipid metabolism, amino acids and proteins, digestion and degradation of proteins, enzymes, hormones and vitamins, coordination and control of metabolism.


CHEM221 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (4+0)4                                                ECTS:5

Carbon compounds & chemical bonds, alkenes, cycloalkanes, conformational analysis, stereo chemistry, nucleophilic substitution, alkenes, alcohols, ethers, radical reactions, aromatic compounds


ECON205 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS (3-0)3                                       ECTS:3

 The course offers students the knowledge on the definition of economics, macro and micro economics and monetary policy and fiscal policy.


MATH255 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (4-0)4                                        ECTS:5

 First order equations and various applications. Higher order linear differential equations. Power series solutions: ordinary and regular singular points. The Laplace transform: solution of initial value problems. Systems of linear differential equations: solutions by operator method, by Laplace transform.


MSE 211        Materials Science and Engineering                       (3+0)3             ECTS:5

Introduction to engineering materials such as metals, ceramics and glasses, polymers, and composites; crystalline structures, defects; elastic and plastic deformations of materials; basics of mechanical properties. Types and use of steel and cast iron. Heat treatment of metals and alloys. Non-ferrous metals and alloys and their use in engineering applications.


BE300 SUMMER PRACTICE I (NC)                                                           ECTS:7

 Internship requires an attendance of 4 weeks to a selected workplace for experience. During this time course, students practice applications, familiarize with workplace structure and join projects. Students should follow the instructions stated in İYTE Faculty of Engineering Internship Guide in order to successfully complete their internships.



This course will convey the foundations of heat, mass and momentum transfer and builds on this knowledge base to analyze the systems and problems related to bioengineering and physiological applications


BE304 PHYSIOLOGY (3-0)3                                                                        ECTS:5

Functional mechanisms of various systems that constitute the human body at cellular, tissue and organ levels.


BE305 STATISTICAL TOOLS FOR BIOENGINEERS (3-0)3                     ECTS:5

 This course is designed to equip bioengineering students with essential statistical tools to be used for the interpretation of data from biomedical research. Content include variation; probability; distributions; hypothesis testing; ANOVA; distribution free tests; correlation; regression; survival analysis


BE307 CELL BIOLOGY (3-0)3                                                                     ECTS:4

 Following topics will be covered in this course; cell types, history and microscopy methods, cell membrane, membrane substance transport and protein transport, cell adhesion, extracellular matrix, cell wall, cell skeleton and movement, organelles and functions, cell nucleus, cell signal receptors and pathways, stem cells, mitosis and meiosis, cell cycle and cancer


BE308 MEDICAL BIOSENSORS      (3-0)3                                                             ECTS:4

This course covers the principles of medical sensors. Particularly, students will explore fundamental principles and methods used for physiological signal conditioning, techniques used to detect and convert physiological information’s to electrical signals, biosensors and sensor technologies.


BE309 BIOMATERIALS (3-0)3                                                                    ECTS:3

 Following topics will be covered in this course; the history and classification of biomaterials, metal-ceramic-polymer and composite based biomaterials, properties of materials, surface modification and characterization methods, interactions of cell/tissue/body fluids with biomaterials, mechanical and biocompatibility tests, quality assessments, biomaterials used in tissue engineering and implant industry.


BE310 BIOENGINEERING LAB I (0-4)2                                                     ECTS:6

Sterilization and preparation of nutrient media, pure culture techniques, staining of microorganisms, determination of biomass concentration, storage methods of microorganisms, transformation to E.coli, isolation of plasmid, cutting with restriction enzymes and gel running, biomass production with E.coli, production of microbial enzyme and activity test.


BE311 BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING (3-0)3                                              ECTS:5

This course contains fundamentals of bioprocess engineering, operation modes, types of bioreactors and bioreactor design, scale-up and separation & purification steps


BE312 BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION I (3-0)3                                ECTS:4

 This course will cover the principles of biomedical instrumentation, including biochemical sensors, bio-potential amplifiers, bioelectrical signals (ECG, EEG), measurement of respiratory function, cardiac variables, blood pressure, blood flow



Introduction to Technical Writing, How to Write the Materials and Methods Section, How to Write the Results, How to Design Effective Tables and Illustrations, How to Write the Introduction, How to Cite the References, Use and Misuse of English. A technical Writing will be assigned to each student.


ME231 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (3-0)3                    ECTS:3

Types of materials, crystal structures and atomic bonding, mechanical properties of metals, polymers and ceramics, phase transformations and diagrams, electrical, thermal and optical properties of materials


BE400 SUMMER PRACTICE II (NC)                                                          ECTS:7

Internship requires an attendance of 4 weeks to a selected workplace for experience. During this time course, students practice applications, familiarize with workplace structure and join projects. Students should follow the instructions stated in İYTE Faculty of Engineering Internship Guide in order to successfully complete their internships.


BE401 DESIGN IN BIOENGINEERING I (3-0)3                                         ECTS:7

Process design and adaptation of engineering systems to contemporary chemical systems. Cost analysis and project assessment. Unit design and operation. Equipment used in Chemical Industry. Momentum, mass and heat transfer application in Bioengineering. Optimization of constant and variable cost analysis. And control mechanisms.


BE402 DESIGN IN BIOENGINEERING II (2-4)3                                        ECTS:10

Process design and adaptation of engineering systems to contemporary chemical systems. Cost analysis and project assessment. Unit design and operation. Equipment used in Chemical Industry. Momentum, mass and heat transfer application in Bioengineering. Optimization of constant and variable cost analysis. And control mechanisms.


BE403 BIOENGINEERING LAB II  (2-4)3                                                  ECTS:7

Observing the cell morphology, cell counting, preparation of monolayer culture, cell preservation, storage, transportation and thawing procedures, determination of pressure loss in piped systems, gas diffusion, and mass transfer coefficient, learning separation and purification techniques, enzyme kinetics, immobilization, bioinformatics.


BE404 BIOENGINEERING LAB III (0-4)2                                                  ECTS:10

Students perform theoretical or/and experimental study by using information obtained from undergraduate education of Bioengineering program. Course contains conduct of the given research problem, also, report and present.


BE405 BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION II (3-0)3                              ECTS:5

This course covers the principles of biomedical imaging. Particularly, students will study the physics, acquisition techniques and signal processing underlying conventional X-ray, Computerized Tomography (CT), Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).


BE406 ETHICS IN BIOENGINEERING (2-0)2                                            ECTS:4

Scientists and engineers in all areas will encounter ethical dilemmas in their professional practice. This course helps students develop a deeper understanding of what it means to be a responsible bioengineer. Topics include data misinterpretation, medical technologies, genetic modification, intellectual property, ownership of human material, privacy and access to data, and environmental issues.




BE 314 BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING II (3-0)3                             ECTS:5

This module aims to teach the following subjects; bioreactor design and design parameters, submerged bioreactors, mass transfer in bioreactors, scale up, solid state fermantation, downstream processes (filtration, centrifugation, mechanical and non-mechanical cell disruption), downstream processes (liquid-liquid extraction, adsorption, chromatography), downstream processes (sedimentation, precipitation, crystallisation, coagulation and flocculation, membrane separation), product finalisation steps (drying, sterilisation, and marketing).


BE 351 RESEARCH PROJECT I   (0-6)3                                          ECTS :4

This class is offered to Bioengineering Undergraduate Students for research experience in laboratory settings. Students are expected to work in a new project, or continue working for a project that is already started in previous terms. Course content includes guided literature review, purpose oriented laboratory practice, experimental design, data analysis and reporting of results.


BE 352 RESEARCH PROJECT II   (0-6)3                                        ECTS :4

This class is offered to Bioengineering Undergraduate Students for research experience in laboratory settings. Students are expected to work in a new project, or continue working for a project that is already started in previous terms. Course content includes guided literature review, purpose oriented laboratory practice, experimental design, data analysis and reporting of results.



This course covers introduction to biotechnology, the role of biotechnology in drug development and production, related basic concepts and applications, process validation for biopharmaceuticals; posttranslational modifications for pharmaceutical development; chromatography-based separation of biopharmaceuticals; microarrays; formulation and delivery issues of biopharmaceuticals; pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics; gene therapy; biosimilar; clinical trials; individualized therapy; metabonomics.


BE408 ENZYME KINETICS AND TECHNOLOGIES (3+0)3                     ECTS:3

 This course will focus on: revision of the concepts of enzymatic catalysis, characteristics of enzymes, factors that influence the kinetic behavior of enzymes, activation and enzymatic inhibition, cofactors, catalytic mechanisms, purification techniques of enzymes, production and immobilization of biocatalysts, advantages and disadvantages, and enzyme applications in the food and chemical industry.



 Biomolecular engineering deals with the application of biomolecules, that decode genomes and play a role in energy conversion in cells, in areas such as health care and medicine. This course includes primarily the structure and functioning of biomolecules, enzymatic catalysis, metabolism of macromolecules and molecular recognition. In addition to these, the design of proteins and nucleic acids will be introduced.



Following topics will be covered in this course; introduction to tissue engineering and ethics, cell and tissue types, extracellular matrix and its components, selection of natural and synthetic materials for tissue engineering applications, basics of animal cell culture, stem cell harvesting and applications in tissue engineering, scaffold design and 3-D tissue modelling, tissue engineering methods, artificial tissues and organs, controlled drug release mechanisms and applications in tissue engineering.


BE411 BIOMECHANICS (3+0)3                                                                  ECTS:3

Introduction to Biomechanics, Cell and its organelles, Cellular Biomechanics, Measurements of Cellular Biomechanical Behavior, Mechanotransduction, Hemodynamics, Cardiovascular system and circulation, Muscle Biomechanics, Skeletal Biomechanics, Clinical Biomechanics


BE412 OPTIMIZATION (3+0)3                                                                    ECTS:3

Optimization and engineering applications, graphical optimization, classical optimization techniques, multivariable optimization, geometric programming.


BE413 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH TECHNIQUES (3+0)3                            ECTS:3

 This course will provide an opportunity for participants to establish or advance their understanding of research through critical exploration of research language, ethics, and approaches. The course introduces the language of research, ethical principles and challenges, and the elements of the research process within quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches.



 This course will introduce current drug delivery technologies along with engineering and materials science foundations affecting structural and functional properties. It will focus on topics at the interface between materials science and chemistry, biomaterials, pharmacokinetics, and transport phenomena.


BE 415 Characterization of Biomedical Nanomaterials (3+0)3                                  ECTS:5

 This course covers the basic knowledge and techniques related to the characterization of nano-structured materials that are commonly used in biomedical applications.


BE 417 Macromolecular Dynamics: From Structure to Function (3+0)3                        ECTS:5

This course comprises fundamentals of structure, function and dynamics of macromolecules (proteins, nucleic-acids and viruses).


BE 451 RESEARCH PROJECT III   (0-6)3                                                   ECTS :4

This class is offered to Bioengineering Undergraduate Students for research experience in laboratory settings. Students are expected to work in a new project, or continue working for a project that is already started in previous terms. Course content includes guided literature review, purpose oriented laboratory practice, experimental design, data analysis and reporting of results.


BE 452 RESEARCH PROJECT IV   (0-6)3                                                   ECTS :4

This class is offered to Bioengineering Undergraduate Students for research experience in laboratory settings. Students are expected to work in a new project, or continue working for a project that is already started in previous terms. Course content includes guided literature review, purpose oriented laboratory practice, experimental design, data analysis and reporting of results.



 This course comprises recent useful computational tools that are used to better understand structure, function  and dynamics of macromolecules (proteins,  nucleic-acids,  viruses,  etc.).


BE 497 SUPPLEMENTARY CURRICULAR COURSES (0-6)3                               ECTS:6

 Within the scope of the course, starting from the 3rd semester, students can apply for the activities that include an evaluation process to be substituted as “Education Plan Support Course”, provided that they register and successfully complete the “Education Plan Supporting Events” determined by their departments throughout their undergraduate education. It is obligatory to submit information and documents regarding the content, duration, date and success criteria of the “Education Plan Supporting Event” for substitution.


BE 499 COOPERATIVE EDUCTION COURSE (0-6)3                                ECTS:5

 Within the Scope of this course, students will work one day a week at companies for a period of time. They will present their practical applications to a jury by preparing a report.